Accucraft (US) Update

1:20.3 Scale, Live Steam, West Side Lumber Co. Heisler #3

Completing the triumvirate of geared locos, Accucraft (US) have released news of the long-awaited and eagerly anticipated live steam Heilser. The Heisler locomotive was the final variant of the three major types of geared steam locomotive, following the Shay and the Climax. Charles L. Heisler received a patent for the design in 1892 following the construction of a prototype in 1891. Heisler’s design featured two cylinders canted inwards (under the boiler) at a 45-degree angle. Power was then transmitted to a longitudinal drive shaft in the centre of the frame that drove the outer axle on each powered truck through bevel gears in an enclosed gear case mounted on the axle between the truck frames. The inner axle on each truck was then driven from the outer one by connecting rods.

In 1897, Heisler received a patent on a three-truck locomotive, a tender riding on the third truck. This patent also covered use of a 4-cylinder ‘vee four’ cylinder configuration. The Heisler was the fastest of the geared steam locomotive designs, and yet was still claimed by its manufacturer to have the same low speed hauling ability. Heislers were produced mostly in two and three truck variants in sizes ranging from 17 tons to 95 tons. Like Shays and Climaxes they were popular on logging railroads where the track was often temporary and lightly laid requiring an articulated locomotive combining slow speed power with light axle loads. The first Heislers were built by the Dunkirk Engineering Company of New York, at the time producer of their own design of geared locomotive (called the Dunkirk), of which the Heisler could be considered an improvement. They did not adopt the Heisler design, but in 1894 the Stearns Manufacturing Company of Erie, Pennsylvania started to produce Heislers, and did so until 1904. Reorganised as the Heisler Locomotive Works in 1907, it produced locomotives of the Heisler design until 1941. Roughly 625 Heislers were produced, of which some 35 still exist.

The Accucraft model faithfully captures the character of these unique machines and is beautifully assembled in brass, copper and stainless steel to the firm’s usual high standards. The model will carry a UK RRP of £3095.00 and features the following:

• 60psi working pressure
• Pressure gauge
• Water sight glass
• Lubricator
• Hand water pump
• Butane fired

AL87-760 Live Steam WSL #3 Heisler – UK RRP £3095.00

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Accucraft February News

Rolling Stock News

Last month we brought news of our new locomotive releases for 2014 and although we intend to introduce some new items of rolling stock later in the year we are concentrating on re-running some frequently asked for items from the 1:19 scale range.

Welshpool & Llanfair bolsters and single plank wagons

We are aiming to produce another run of these much sought after wagons during 2014 and, as before, will be packing the bolsters as pairs. The Welshpool & Llanfair Light Railway was well provisioned with goods rolling stock when it was opened in 1902, all of which was supplied by Pickerings and the majority of which survived the closure of the line. The initial order was supplemented in 1903 with six timber bolster wagons which were eventually converted to goods wagons by the G W R.

The bolsters available in W&L Light Grey, G W Dark Grey, four different running numbers in each colour; or Data only in light grey and bauxite (Trackshack only). The wagons come with a 45mm insulated wheel set fitted but a 32mm wheel set is provided for use on ‘0’ gauge. Couplings are chopper type but have a hook fitted if you wish to remove the chopper hook and use 3 link chains. Sold as a pair of wagons with a UK RRP of £100.00 for a pair. The single plank wagons are available in W&L Light Grey, G W Dark Grey, two different running numbers in each colour; or data only in light grey or bauxite with a UK RRP of £45.00 each.

R19-7A – W & L BOLSTER WAGON SET W&L LIGHT GREY, choice of #49& 50, or 51& 53
R19-7C – W & L BOLSTER WAGON SET GW DARK GREY, choice of #8514 & 8515, or 8516 & 8521
R19-7D – W & L BOLSTER WAGON SET BAUXITE, DATA ONLY (only available from Trackshack)
R19-8A – W & L 1 PLANK WAGON W&L LIGHT GREY, choice of #52, 54
R19-8C – W & L 1 PLANK WAGON GW DARK GREY, choice of #8518, 8523

Lynton & Barnstaple four wheel wagons back in stock!

These are now back in stock but selling fast!  We have re-run both Lynton & Barnstaple grey and Southern Railway brown wagons as well as the data only versions. UK RRP £45.00.

R19-1A – L & B OPEN WAGON SR BROWN, choice of #28304, 28305, 28306, 28307
R19-1D – L & B OPEN WAGON L&BR GREY, choice of #1, 2, 8, 9
R19-1G – L & B OPEN WAGON L&BR BAUXITE, DATA ONLY (only available from Trackshack)

1:32 Scale US Streamlined Passenger Cars

Last November we told you that Accucraft (US) had announced the production of streamlined passenger cars in 1:32 scale and 45mm gauge and we can now bring you further images of one of the engineering samples, this time carrying Southern Pacific ‘Lark’ grey livery. These fine scale cars are constructed with metal bodies, die-cast trucks and metal wheels and as the photos show have fully detailed interiors and a very high standard of finish.

Until the end of February they will be available in sets of six cars (1 Baggage Car, 2 Coaches, 1 Sleeper Car, 1 Observation Car, 1 Diner Car) for an amazingly good price of £1080.00 or as individual cars at £210.00.  As of March 1st these prices will increase to £1395.00 for the set and £255.00 for individual cars.  Please be aware that there will probably only be one batch of these coaches in 2014.

Dimensions: 30” x 3.8” x 5.2” – Road Names: Unlettered, SP light & dark grey, UP Grey, NYC, SP Daylight, UP Yellow, N&W, Pennsylvania, CP (no road numbers).

Code 332 ‘Euro’ points

At last!!  Accucraft (US) have released details of their long awaited switches for Code 332 ‘Euro’ style track.  At 4’ radius they will be ideal for the majority of garden railways and made to the same standards of accuracy and durability as the code 332 brass track we have been producing for so long.  Supplied with an American switch stand (a UK point lever will be made available) the points have ‘live frogs’, the current being switched as the point is changed.  Coming with an attractive price tag of just £75.00 UK RRP we feel sure that these points are going prove very popular.  In due course a #6 switch will also be made available. 


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Accucraft January News

We’d like to wish you all a very Happy New Year.  2014 promises to be another exciting year for Accucraft.  We will continue to develop new models for 1:19 and 1:20.3 scales and will be announcing further products as the year progresses; in addition we will be consolidating our position as UK market leaders in 1:32 and 7/8ths” scales following our move into these scales with live steam models last year.  Changes in production scheduling will also mean that we should be able to significantly reduce the time between product announcement and delivery, we are aiming to ensure that the process takes less than twelve months.  Meanwhile we are pleased to announce the following models for 2014.

1:32 Scale LMS/BR Black 5 4-6-0

As can be seen from the drawing, we have made major revisions to this model (compared to the electric one) and will be offering the L.M.S. version as No. 5451 (S32-5), the BR early emblem version as No. 45237 (S32-6) and the late crest British Railways version as No. 45274 (S32-7) for a UK RRP of £2250.00.  Full details can be found on the website.

1:20.3 Scale Isle of Man 2-4-0T ‘Mannin’

Work is well advanced on our Isle of Man offering for 2014, ‘Mannin’. It will be available as a live steam loco two livery options, Indian Red (S20-1R) and Holly Green (S20-1G) with a target UK RRP of £1600.00.  We will also be producing a batch of electric locos, available in Indian Red (E20-7R) and Holly Green (E20-7G) with a target RRP of £1375.00.  Full details can be found on the website.

1:19 Scale Welshpool & Llanfair Hunslet 2-6-2T No. 14

Welshpool & Llanfair No. 14 – Stephen Fulljames

Our main model for 16mm Scale in 2014 will be Hunslet 2-6-2T No. from the W & L.  Originally built for the Sierra Leone Government Railway in 1954 and numbered 85, the prototype was brought back to this country in 1975.  The model will be 32 / 45mm gauge adjustable, gas-fired with full valve gear.  We are planning to make the locomotive available in a number of liveries and will be releasing full details on the website in due course.  The target UK RRP will be £1700.00.

1:13.7 Scale Bagnall 0-4-0ST

Building on the success of our 7/8ths” scale Quarry Hunslet we are aiming to produce another ‘small’ loco which would be hard to make in 16mm scale.  For 2014 we have chosen another iconic industrial engine, this time the classic Bagnall saddle tank as epitomised by Teddy Boston’s ‘Pixie’.  We will be modelling the slightly larger version exemplified by Alan Keef’s ‘Woto’ (illustrated) and our model will only be available in 45mm gauge.  Full details will appear on the website but we anticipate the model carrying a UK RRP of £1100.00.

Image from Wiki Commons

‘Ragleth’ refreshed

In order to facilitate the easier fitting of twin-channel radio control, we have decided to modify the ‘Ragleth’ design with larger tanks.  The next batch will all have this feature and will be available in red, green, blue and black.  For 2014 the new UK RRP will be £795.00 for the manual version, £995.00 for the radio control version.

2014 price rises

Unavoidably we have had to increase some of our prices and these will take effect from January 1st.   Please consult the stock status page for these changes and the revised and updated delivery schedule.  Our dealers have now opened their order books for the Black 5, ‘Mannin’, No. 14 and the Bagnall.  The ‘mix & match’ deal on the Lynton & Barnstaple coaches continues, any four for a UK RRP of £720.00, representing even better value for money!

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Accucraft December News

May we wish you an early ‘Happy Christmas’ and thank you for supporting Accucraft (UK) throughout a very successful 2013.  During the year we have been able to lay plans for production during 2014 and will be announcing the new range on January 1st.  This month we are able to bring you news of Warley, the new Isle of Man ‘M’ wagon, Black 5’s and ‘Royal Hudsons’…..

Warley 2013

Another good year at Warley!  With excellent footfall over the weekend the Accucraft stand attracted a lot of attention from passing visitors and, as ever, we were able to promote our models to a discerning audience.  The stand had a view dominated by the new-build Patriot Class locomotive, The Unknown Warrior – one for the future?  It was good to see so many of you as well and we hope you enjoyed the show as much as we did.

1:20.3 Scale Isle of Man ‘M’ wagon

The first in an Isle of Man connoisseurs range, TrackShack has commissioned Accucraft UK to produce the iconic Isle of Man 2 plank ‘M’ wagon. There will be 8 different running numbers, and also a ‘data only’ version for anyone who wants a wagon without the IMR numbering on.

Whilst the coupling height of the wagon will naturally be IOM height there is an adaptor plate in the box for anyone who wants to set the couplings to the lower 16mm height. It will be possible to use either the Scale IOM couplings or the standard Accucraft couplings at either IOM or 16mm scale height.  It will noted from the drawings and specification great trouble has been taken to ensure this very accurate model will be quite exquisite.  The target RRP is £65.00.  You can see all the details here.

1:32 Scale electric Black 5’s

We have been made aware of a tranche of these models lying in San Francisco.  Judging by latent demand for these 1:32 scale locomotives we think some of you still require them.  Although the L.M.S. one is no longer available we can obtain both the early emblem and late crest British Railways versions for a UK RRP of £1225.00.   Please contact your local retailer for availability.

1:32 Scale ‘Royal Hudson’

To coincide with the announcement of their 1:32 scale streamline coaches by Accucraft (US), we are offering the Canadian Pacific Royal Hudson at a discounted price of just £3950.00 – imagine one of these with a rake of matching cars in tow!  Available in both gas-fired and meths-fired versions contact your local retailer for further details.

Designed by Henry Bowen and introduced in 1937, the semi-streamlined Hudson was selected to haul the 1939 Royal Train that carried King George VI and Queen Elizabeth on their journey across Canada. No. 2850 was chosen and was turned out in a spectacular Royal blue and stainless steel livery to match the 12-coach blue and silver train.

So impressive was 2850’s performance on the 3224 mile trip that Canadian Pacific applied to Buckingham Palace for permission to officially designate the class as Royal Hudsons, a request that was granted. Subsequently all 45 members of the class carried a cast Royal Crown on their front running board skirts. The Royal blue livery on 2850 only lasted for the seven months of the summer of 1939 and after exhibition at the New York World’s Fair it was replaced by the standard passenger livery of maroon panels with grey boiler cladding and cylinder covers, which it has to be said is still a spectacular livery!

Although designed as express passenger engines and capable of over 90mph, the Royal Hudsons were also used extensively on freight duties, but it was on the prestigious passenger trains such as the daily Dominion that they made a name for themselves with 1250 mile runs between Calgary and Ft. William (Thunder Bay). On the cross-country runs it was common to have several express reefers at the head end between the engine and baggage car.

The Royal Hudsons ran in service right up to the withdrawal of steam by Canadian Pacific in the summer of 1960 when most of the class were scrapped. Happily four have survived to this day in preservation, including 2860 currently in steam in British Columbia.  Also 2850 is preserved in its Tuscan and grey livery and has pride of place at the Canadian Railway Museum at Delson just Outside Montreal.

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Accucraft November News

The K-37s are on their way!

The first examples of Accucraft’s new K-37s are heading to the UK now!  The Denver & Rio Grande Western K-37s were classic American narrow gauge ‘Mikes’. They were originally built by Baldwin as part of an order for thirty standard gauge 2-8-0’s, class 190, in 1902.  Renumbered into class C-41 during the railroad’s reorganization in 1924 they were then converted to three foot gauge in 1928-30 at the railroad’s Burnham Shops with many new parts including new frames and smaller drivers. They were then renumbered into class K-37.

The locos worked out of Salida, Colorado to Gunnison, Colorado and up the Crested Butte Branch as well as the Monarch Branch. The locos also worked out of Alamosa, Colorado to Antonito over Cumbres Pass to Chama and on to Durango and the Farmington Branch. Like the K-36s the locos were not permitted West of Gunnison or on the Silverton branch. However, the Silverton branch has since been upgraded to take K-36s.  Of the eight preserved K-37s, only #497 has been operational, both on the Durango and Silverton Narrow Gauge Railroad and on the Cumbres and Toltec Scenic Railroad but it is now awaiting a major overhaul.

In model form the K-37 is one of the largest locomotives that can be built in 1:20.3 scale The huge boiler allows runs of well over an hour without injecting water. This new Live Steam version is also cross ported so that valve gear is in prototypical position for forward and reverse. This large model is extremely powerful , but unlike the prototype is very easy and rewarding to run.  Solidly constructed in copper, brass and stainless steel, the model features a butane-fired 60 psi boiler, slide valves, Walschaerts valve gear, safety valves, pressure gauge, water level glass, adjustable lubricator, boiler feed and tender water pump. Only fifty have been made and the following versions are now available with a UK RRP of £5865.00:

AL87-241 – K-37 D&RGW #490, Flying Rio Grande Logo, Live Steam
AL87-242 – K-37 D&RGW #491, Flying Rio Grande Logo, Live Steam
AL87-243 – K-37 D&RGW #495, Flying Rio Grande Logo, Live Steam
AL87-244 – K-37 D&RGW #499, Green w/ Moffat Logo, Live Steam

1:32 Scale US Streamline coaches

Accucraft (US) has announced the production of streamlined passenger cars in 1:32 scale and 45mm gauge. These fine scale cars are constructed with metal bodies, die-cast trucks and metal wheels.

Dimensions: 30” x 3.8” x 5.2”

Road Names: Unlettered, SP light & dark grey, UP Grey, NYC, SP Daylight, UP Yellow, N&W, Pennsylvania, CP (no road numbers).

They will be available in sets of six cars (1 Baggage Car, 2 Coaches, 1 Sleeper Car, 1 Observation Car, 1 Diner Car) for an amazingly good price of £1080.00 or as individual cars at £210.00.

Accucraft (UK) launches its own YouTube channel

Starting in a small way we are uploading videos of Accucraft models in action here.  You can subscribe to our YouTube channel for notification of all the latest videos and leave comments and questions there for the Accucraft team.  Now showing are ten clips of the engineering sample of the new Gauge 1 A1 ‘Tornado’ taken during running trials – we were very impressed!

Warley 2013

We will again be attending the Warley Model Railway Exhibition at the NEC.  The exhibition, the UK’s Premier Model Railway show, opens its doors on the 23rd and 24th November for what has become a world renowned event and a fun day out for local families.  It’s the Club’s 46th annual show and the 21st at the NEC!  Accucraft (UK) will be unveiling its new Gauge 1 A1 ‘Tornado’ and showing several other new releases for the first time.

This year sees at least 85 working model railway layouts on show with exhibitors from the UK, and Europe.  As usual there will be a huge trade interest with all the major model railway manufacturers and most of the smaller ones represented, launching their latest products and selling those rare items that modellers require for the hobby.

There is a ‘narrow gauge’ theme this year with 2 visiting locos from the Leighton Buzzard Narrow Gauge Railway (Baldwin locomotive number 778 and a Motor Rail ‘Simplex’ locomotive) together with an engine from the Corris Railway.  There will also be a full size steam locomotive in the form of the new ‘under construction’ LMS Patriot Class locomotive – a king size kit of parts!

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Accucraft October News

Accucraft, the UK’s leading producer of small-scale live-steam engines, and The A1 Steam Locomotive Trust, builder and operator of Britain’s newest main line steam locomotive, are delighted to announce the production of a live steam, Gauge 1, model of Tornado. Constructed over a twenty year period, the prototype has written a new chapter in the annals of British steam, becoming the first main line steam locomotive to be built since 1960. Since making her first moves in 2008, Tornado has hauled the Royal Train three times, appeared on the BBC’s Top Gear programme and run tens of thousands of miles on rail tours and preserved lines.

Accucraft’s model faithfully captures the elegance and power of the Peppercorn class A1 design and features all the unique details carried by Tornado. The model is gas-fired with slide valves and has all the equipment the Gauge 1 fraternity has come to expect from an Accucraft locomotive. The cylinders are fitted with drain cocks. The chassis is constructed from stainless steel. The boiler is copper, the cab and tender are constructed from etched brass. The UK RRP will be £2895.00 with a release date of 2014 and the model will be available in apple green, BR blue and BR green. The images shown here are of the engineering sample. The retail profit from sales of this superb model will go to The A1 Steam Locomotive Trust to complete the financing of Tornado herself.

Graham Langer, general manager of Accucraft UK and a member of the A1 Trust, said, “It has been a joy to work with the Trust producing a faithful replica of Tornado, sales of which will help raise funds for the full-size locomotive.” Speaking of behalf of the Trust Mark Allatt enthused, “Just as Tornado has brought pleasure to countless numbers of steam enthusiasts we hope that this wonderful miniature Tornado will do the same

The model will be available from the A1 Steam Trust, Accucraft UK and selected retailers.  You can see the full details of the locomotive here.

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Accucraft September News

September sees the arrival of the Welshpool & Llanfair Pickering coaches in the UK, make sure you don’t miss out on what may be the last batch for a long time.  We also bring you news of the bauxite version of the W & L brake van and new arrivals in this country and the U.S.

W & L brake van in bauxite

We are pleased to bring you an image of the first sample of our Welshpool & Llanfair brake van in its new bauxite brown livery.  These vehicles will only be available through TrackShack who are developing their own range of bauxite liveried rolling stock.  The brake vans should be available in a few week’s time.

Mortimer – also available in black!

The current delivery of ‘Mortimers’ included a limited number of locos in Henry Ford’s favourite colour.  Please check with your local retailer to see what liveries they have available.  ‘Ragleth’ will also be delivered in the same choice of colours, the next batch is due shortly.

The Forney is back in stock!

We are pleased to say that Accucraft (US) have fresh stocks of the delightful little Forney 2-4-4T and these can be supplied by our UK retailers for £739.00.

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Accucraft August News

The August website newsletter allows us to bring you news of the Argyle Loco Works stunning ‘NA’ Class 2-6-2T, further liveries from TrackShack and staff changes in our office.  We look forward to seeing many of you at Llanfair at the end of the month.

Victorian Railways NA Class

Argyle Loco works have released an image of the engineering sample of the new Accucraft Victorian Railways NA Class 2-6-2T.  We have to say it is simply magnificent and raises the bar yet again it terms of accuracy and detail in 1:19 scale.  The decision to aim for such a high specification has meant that the target RRP in the UK has risen to £2200.00 but we feel that this represents very good value for money for such a large locomotive.  The models will only be available through our own office and will be produced in a strictly limited run to be available in 2014.  The electric version is likely to carry a price tag of £1750.00.

The Victorian Railways ‘NA’ class 2-6-2 tank locomotives were built to serve the four narrow gauge 2′ 6″ (762 mm) gauge branch lines in that state. Baldwin Locomotive Works in the United States supplied the first two 2-6-2 tank locomotives in 1898 as well as parts for a further two locos. The Victorian Railways Newport workshops assembled the parts to give an additional two locos, and subsequently built a further 13 locomotives. The last one, number 17, was built in 1915. The locomotives weigh 36 tons (36.58 t) and produce a tractive effort of 12,170 lbf (54.1 kN), allowing them to haul loads of 90 tons (91.44 t) up grades of 1 in 30.

Numbers 6A, 7A, 8A, 12A, and 14A have been restored and operate on the ‘Puffing Billy’ Steam Railway; No. 3A is also preserved awaiting restoration. The other 11 locomotives have all been scrapped.

These models are all as currently preserved on the Puffing Billy Steam Railway and the full specifications can be seen here or you can download the superb NA Product Booklet to see a full history and model details.

Trackshack Private Owner Vans

Following the success of the ‘Peate’ wagons Trackshack has commissioned two private owner livery versions of our Lynton & Barnstaple van.  The colour illustrated here is a little pale but gives a fair indication of how attractive these vehicles will be.  The next batch of vans including these designs should be here this autumn.

Llanfair Garden Railway Show

As ever, we will be attending the Llanfair Garden Railway Show over the last weekend in August.  Held at Llanfair Caereinion Leisure Centre, SY21 0HW the show is organised by Steve Warrington of Back to Bay 6 (07908 557712 Web Addr:  Opening times are, Saturday 10am to 5pm. Sunday 10am to 4pm.  There will be seven or more layouts and over forty traders present and in addition there is free parking and a free bus link to the W&L Railway (celebrating 50 years in 2013). Refreshments available.

Graham Langer joins Accucraft

Ian and Sandy Pearse of Accucraft UK Ltd, with Graham Langer (centre), on his recent appointment as General Manager of Accucraft UK Ltd.

Ian and Sandy intend to take a step back from the day to day management of Accucraft UK Ltd and wish Graham all the success in his new role. Ian will be concentrating on new projects and technical matters.

Graham has a wealth of experience in the field of garden railways, right back to the days writing for ‘The Pot Boiler’ magazine, which pre-dated ‘16mm Today’ magazine. He is also very much involved with the full size preservation scene, having been associated with the A1 Steam Trust, builders of Tornado, for many years and working as part of that loco’s support crew on the main line.

‘Mortimer’ and ‘Joan’ back in stock

We are currently sending a batch of ‘Mortimers’ and ‘Joans’ out to our dealers with demand for the former proving particularly strong.  Both models have been released in blue and black liveries as well as our more usual red and green colours and both have benefited from upgrades with chopper couplings and hinged cabs being fitted.

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Accucraft July News

This month we need to notify you of a small problem with some of the 7/8ths” Quarry Hunslets, we also bring you exciting news about 1:32  and 1:20.3 rolling stock as well as focussing on two of our after-market ‘beauty specialists’!

Quarry Hunslets – a glitch!

We have been greatly disappointed to discover that some of our customers have experienced difficulties steaming the new Quarry Hunslet. Having had the matter brought to our attention we have conducted rapid investigations on our engineering sample to try to discover where the problem lies. Careful analysis has shown that during the design process we were persuaded to allow for the fitting of DJB automatic drain cocks rather than the smaller, manually operated Accucraft type; this decision meant that the hole for the plug reduced the critical tolerance of the swept volume area in the cylinder and in a small number of cases the piston could over-run the drain and allow the blow-by of steam. The solution is simple but requires the precise centering of the piston in the bore, a job we will happily carry out for anyone who cares to return the loco to us. We’d like to apologise for anyone inconvenienced in this way and will do our best to get the locos returned as speedily as possible.

We would also like apologise for the less than perfect packing which resulted in cosmetic damage to some locos in transit. We will be able to supply replacement parts to those customers who need them and if you have a problem in this area we would be pleased to hear from you.

As ever, Accucraft (UK) stands 100% behind its no quibble guarantee and first recourse in the event of problems should always be to contact us by ‘phone or email before attempting repairs yourself. For our UK customers we will normally arrange to have the loco collected the next working day by our couriers.

1:32 Scale RCH 7 Plank wagons

Ever since we announced that we intended to make a range of Gauge 1 locomotives we have frequently been asked about rolling stock to go with them.  We are pleased to announce that our first production for this scale will the archetypal Railway Clearing House seven plank wagon.  Based on the 1923 RCH design, our wagon represents a type that was built by the tens of thousands, many them for private owners.

The Railway Clearing House, originally set up by the railway companies to handle charges for vehicles used on another company’s line, introduced standard minimum specifications for private owner wagons. The RCH 12 ton design was the most numerous design of coal wagon built in the UK after 1923. A rugged and simple design employing standard RCH fittings throughout and originally they had to be built with seven side planks. Various configurations of side doors, end door and bottom doors were permitted, but the weight of the unladen wagon was not to be above 7 tons 5 cwt. Oil lubrication and brakes on both sides were mandatory. The main line railway companies adopted RCH fittings for many of their own designs, and the LMS and LNER adopted the RCH 1923 mineral wagon as their standard.

We will be offering the wagon in the liveries of the ‘Big Four’ and in BR grey and Bauxite and will be encouraging our dealers to commission private owners in liveries pertinent to their location or personal whim! We are hoping to bring these wagons to the market with a target UK RRP of £70.00 each.

Trackshack’s Isle of Man goods rolling stock

Introducing an Isle of Man connoisseurs’ range, TrackShack has commissioned Accucraft (UK) to produce the iconic Isle of Man 2 plank ‘M’ wagon. There will be 8 different running numbers, and also a ‘data only’ version for anyone who wants a wagon without the IMR numbering on.  It will noted from the drawings and specification great trouble has been taken to ensure this very accurate model will be quite exquisite. The model features prototypical IMR spoked wheels and scale working IOM couplings and the target RRP is £59.00.

Following production of the open wagons will be a batch of Isle of Man ‘G’ vans in their early form and as later equipped with ‘portholes’.  Again these vehicles will feature an impressive level of detail and will be available in IoM livery and data only forms.  Ideal for Isle of Man enthusiasts or anyone modelling 3′ gauge railways in Great Britain or Ireland.  Contact Trackshack to place an order.

John Lythgoe name & number plates

John Lythgoe has been a professional modelmaker since 1973, and a designer of precision photo-chemically etched components for railway modellers since 1995. He started making etched name, number and builders’ plates for garden scale locos in 2005 at the request of modellers who required plates of a standard higher than those readily available at the time. His range now encompasses plates for 1:32 Gauge 1, up to 5″ gauge models.

Gauge 1 modellers will be delighted to discover that he has recently introduced a range of nickel silver smokebox door plates for our little B4 as well as being able to supply the appropriate shed codes. He also produces a selection of 61XX number plates for our forthcoming GWR ‘Prairie’ 2-6-2T – you can see the range here, but more are in preparation, including BR smokebox numbers – BR Western Region shed codes are already available.  Narrow gauge modellers need not feel neglected either, since a  comprehensive range of 16mm scale hardware is also available and John is soon to produce a range of 7/8ths” scale plates suitable for our Quarry Hunslet!

An Accucraft WD Baldwin, painted and lined by Geoff Munday (Lightline) with John Lythgoe plates

LightLine painting and lining service

LightLine offers a comprehensive service for lining and finishing 16mm or G scale locomotives. Customers can choose from a wide range of liveries, either prototypical or ‘might have been’.  It is worth visiting their website to see how others have had their locos lined out before taking the plunge.  As well as the examples shown on his website Geoff has dozens of photos you can browse through at leisure. Whatever livery is chosen, the end result will be one you can be proud of and which brings your locomotive to life!

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Accucraft June News

June, hopefully, will bring some fine weather.  One thing we know is that it will also bring delivery of the Quarry Hunslets, ‘Big Boys’ and Galloping Geese!  We also have news of a joint project between Accucraft (UK), Anything Narrow Gauge and Garden Railway Specialists and the month also sees us attending yet another event at the Warwickshire Exhibition Centre as well as clearing the warehouse for the arrival of ‘Joan’, ‘Mortimer’ and the Welshpool & Llanfair coaches…..

Glyn Valley Tramway locomotive in 1:19 scale!

Anything Narrow Gauge and Garden Railway Specialists have announced a joint venture in conjunction with Accucraft (UK).  A beautifully detailed replica of the Glyn Valley Tramway’s “Sir Theodore” and “Dennis” 0-4-2 Tanks.  The model will be internally gas fired, available in 32 and 45mm gauge (Non-Adjustable), incorporating a traditional 0-4-0 Chassis unit with full reversing gear and a choice of Green or Black Livery.  Estimated Cost £1275.00.

Lynton & Barnstaple Railway Gala

Well, we went!  Despite inclement weather and low visibility, the gala was well attended, one consequence of which was a surge in orders for our ‘Lew’, the final batch of which is now all pre-sold to our dealers.  We were also able to provide some support for the 762 Club which is building a new ‘Lyn’ for the railway, supplying them with a radio-control fitted example from our range for a blind auction; the profits from this will help finance the construction of the new loco which is already well advanced.  Jon Pain from the 762 Club commented, “This is an incredibly generous gesture from Accucraft and one which will greatly benefit bringing ‘Lyn’ back to the L&B when we will have pleasure in inviting members of the firm onto the footplate”.

Jon Pain (762 Club) thanks Graham Langer of Accucraft for the donation of the 16mm scale ‘Lyn’

Welshpool & Llanfair ‘Countess’

We will be running another batch of these iconic little locos this winter for delivery early next year.  This will be the last batch for some years and may be the final run of the electric version so don’t hesitate if you would like one, contact your dealer!

Beyer Peacock built two 0-6-0T locos for the newly constructed Welshpool & Llanfair Railway in 1903. These small but powerful narrow gauge locos were taken over by the Cambrian Railway when it acquired the line and then by the GWR at the grouping. The Great Western rebuilt them with typical Swindon details, copper-capped chimneys and brass safety-valve bonnets and both The Earl and The Countess survived the closure of the line to be preserved by the present day W&LLR.  Our model depicts the locomotive as running on the railway in 2008.

The model is internally gas fired and has slide valve cylinders. The boiler is fitted with a water gauge and a water top-up valve is supplied. It is available in either GWR Green or BR Black. Name and number plates are provided for both the Earl and Countess. The engine is re-gaugeable from 32mm to 45mm by the customer. It is available in either manual control or radio control live steam or as an electric model.

Gauge 1 Expo at the Fosse

We will be attending the G1MRA Gauge 1 event at the Warwickshire Exhibition Centre on the 15th and 16th June.  You can see full details here – drop by the stand for a chat if you are attending.

A large number of manufacturers will be supporting the event which features six layouts, a special locomotive display, “The Power of Gauge One” as well as demonstrations of painting & lining, building construction, boiler testing and kit building.

Rio Grande Southern ‘Goose’ #4

Due into the UK in July is the long awaited delivery of RGS Goose #4 – there is only a limited number of these attractive railcars available and, given how long the gestation period for this one was, we do not anticipate seeing another batch for quite a while!

In the 1930’s, Colorado’s famous Rio Grande Southern Railroad introduced the “Galloping Goose”, a curious combination of Pierce-Arrow automobile parts and mechanical imagination that could carry passengers, freight and mail with a one man crew. The “Galloping Goose” provided the Rio Grande Southern Railroad with real operating economy allowing it to operate for another twenty years while endearing itself to generations of rail enthusiasts and tourists.

This superbly detailed and articulated 1:20.3 scale model is completely constructed with brass and stainless steel. An American made Pittman motor powers the middle truck with a reliable die cast metal gear box. The model is completed with museum quality paint finish and lettering. UK RRP £635.00.

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