Accucraft Mid-March Magic!

NEW for 2019 – L&SWR Adams Radial Tank 4-4-2T

To be announced by Accucraft UK today at the Large Scale Model Railway Show, we are thrilled and delighted to say that this year’s new 1:32 locomotive will the iconic L&SWR Adams Radial Tank 4-4-2T. This will be the first Accucraft model to benefit from assembly in Japan, bringing improved build quality and finish as well as giving us the option to offer the model in kit form, a first for Accucraft UK!.  Launched to coincide with the Bluebell Railway’s ‘Branch Line Weekend’ debut of No. 30583 in late BR black, we are sure that almost everyone with a Gauge 1 layout will find an excuse to have one of these delightful locomotives.

William Adams’ 415 (later 0415) Class was based on his earlier LSWR 46 Class, with London suburban services in mind. The enlarged coal bunker was also designed to incorporate a back tank for extra water storage in addition to the capacity of the side tanks.  Coupled to a short wheelbase and guiding bogie, the locomotive was relatively manoeuvrable on tight curves, a feature that was to ensure the survival of some of the class later on.  The 0415’s tenure on the London suburban services was relatively short-lived and the class was generally removed from the London section of the LSWR to rural branch duties from 1895.

In 1903 the link was made between the class and the severely curved Lyme Regis branch and two were allocated to Exmouth Junction shed for the Axminster to Lyme Regis service, joined in 1946 by a third example retrieved from the East Kent Railway. The three locomotives continued on the Lyme Regis branch after Nationalisation due to the lack of better motive power to cope with the curve restrictions in place on the line. By 1958 all three were showing their age, and the end finally came in 1961. However the final example, No. 30583 (née 488), was purchased by the Bluebell Railway.  After arriving at the line under its own steam it performed sterling work in two different LSWR guises, and in BR livery, up until 1990. At present it is displayed as a static exhibit, as extensive overhaul (probably involving replacement of the boiler barrel) is required before it can steam again but it was recently repainted in BR black for a branch line event held in 2019.

The model is 1:32 scale for 45mm gauge track, gas-fired with a single flue boiler. The chassis is constructed from stainless steel, the wheels are uninsulated, the boiler is copper. The model will run round 4′ 6″ radius curves (TBC). The East Kent Railway version is only available from Kent Garden Railways. The anticipated UK RRP will be £1950.00 or £1995.00 for the RTR version (depending on livery), £1795.00 or £1850.00 for the kits.

We’d like to thank David Fletcher for the marvellous drawings he has produced of this elegant locomotive.

You can find full details of the model here.

Accucraft’s 2019 open day – Saturday 8th June

The format will be much the same, once again at Unit 4, Long Meadow Industrial Estate. We will have factory seconds, damaged items and test samples to sell. as well as many ‘end of line’ items. This stock will be offered for sale on a ‘first come, first served’ basis without prior reservation and will include ‘open box’ locomotives, rolling stock and track components as well as sundry ‘kits of parts’ with potential for re-assembly!  As they say, “everything must go!”

We will be supported by associated traders and stands.  We will be running Accucraft locomotives in 1:13.7, 1:19, 1:20.3 and 1:32 scales.  Opening times are 10:30hrs to 16:00hrs and there will be an on site café offering refreshments and light lunches.

Make sure you put the date in your diary!

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Accucraft March News

Welcome to our March bulletin.  This month we bring you news of the first 7/8ths” ‘Wren’ off the production line, our 2019 open day, an announcement at the Midlands Garden Railway Show and some discontinued UK stock still available from California.

The first ‘Wren’ off the production line!

The first ‘Wren’ off the production line is a green one!  Showing the small modifications made following feedback from social media, mainly to improve the cab ergonomics and reduce the visual impact of some of the cab fittings, we feel this image is worth a thousand words!  However, if you want these, take a look on the appropriate page!  Delivery of the batch is expected in April/May – make sure you don’t miss out.

Accucraft’s 2019 open day – Saturday 8th June

The format will be much the same, once again at Unit 4, Long Meadow Industrial Estate. We will have factory seconds, damaged items and test samples to sell. as well as many ‘end of line’ items. This stock will be offered for sale on a ‘first come, first served’ basis without prior reservation and will include ‘open box’ locomotives, rolling stock and track components as well as sundry ‘kits of parts’ with potential for re-assembly!  As they say, “everything must go!”

We will be supported by associated traders and stands.  We will be running Accucraft locomotives in 1:13.7, 1:19, 1:20.3 and 1:32 scales.  Opening times are 10:30hrs to 16:00hrs and there will be an on site café offering refreshments and light lunches.

Accucraft will attend the Midlands Garden Railway Show – 16th – 17th March

At the show we will be announcing our new 1:32 locomotive – we feel sure that this one will be a winner!  Make sure you drop by the stand to pick up a data sheet and place an order.

UK inventory remaining in California

A review of the inventory of UK outline stock remaining in Union City has thrown up some pleasant surprises.  In consequence we are able to offer a limited number of the following locomotives.

S19-19E L&B No. 760 EXE 2-6-2T, LINED SOUTHERN GREEN  – £1950.00
S19-19T L&B No. 761 TAW 2-6-2T – LINED SOUTHERN GREEN – £1950.00
S19-19Y L&B No. 759 YEO 2-6-2T – LINED SOUTHERN GREEN – £1950.00

S19-29A WD HUNSLET 4-6-0T (GAUGE 1) – BLACK – £1950.00
S19-29B WD HUNSLET 4-6-0T (0 GAUGE) – BLACK – £1950.00

S20-1G IoM MANNIN 2-4-0T LINED HOLLY GREEN – £1750.00
S20-1R IoM MANNIN 2-4-0T LINED INDIAN RED – £1750.00
E20-9R IoM MONA 2-4-0T LINED INDIAN RED – £1550.00


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Accucraft January News

Welcome to our first bulletin of 2019.  This month we bring you news of changes to the supply of Gauge 1 locomotives, the arrival of the Baguley Drewry diesels, an update about Dolgoch and the discovery of some discontinued UK inventory in California!

1:32 Scale, Gauge 1 locomotives

After much consideration we have decided that the only way we can continue to serve the Gauge 1 market is to sell Accucraft locomotives direct.  This has not been an easy decision but it has been forced on us by new entrants in the market (models which are being sold direct into the UK by their importers) which have under-mined our ability to sell through our dealer network.  All future Accucraft 1:32 locomotives will only be available direct from us although our dealers will be happy to continue to supply you with our range of rolling stock.  The immediate consequence of this is that we are delighted to be able to offer the next batch of ‘Victories’ with a set of four RCH 7 Plank wagons for the original RRP of £1275.00, effectively reducing the price of the locomotive to just £975.00 (*wagons to be a selection of ‘Big Four’ or BR types); the power unit will be available with two wagons FOC on the same basis.  Rest assured this does not mean that we will abandon 1:32 Scale since we will be announcing new Accucraft (UK) types in the future as well.


1:19 Scale Baguley Drewry diesels arrive!

After a long wait we are pleased to say that the next batch of Baguley Drewry diesels will arrive during the second week of January.  Once again available in five different colours or as just a power unit, please contact your local dealer to obtain one.  UK RRP £350.00, power unit £250.00.

E19-1B BAGULEY DREWRY 0-6-0 DIESEL – BLACK – £350.00
E19-1BU BAGULEY DREWRY 0-6-0 DIESEL – BLUE – £350.00
E19-1G BAGULEY DREWRY 0-6-0 DIESEL – GREEN – £350.00
E19-1R BAGULEY DREWRY 0-6-0 DIESEL – RED – £350.00
E19-1Y BAGULEY DREWRY 0-6-0 DIESEL – BLACK – £350.00
E19-2 BAGULEY DREWRY 0-6-0 POWER UNIT – £250.00

1:19 Scale Tallylyn Railway 0-4-0T Dolgoch

We are now able to share some of the final CAD renderings of Dolgoch with you.  Certain refinements have been carried out since we originally unveiled the locomotive, notably the moving of the reverser further forward in the cab to a more prototypical position.  UK RRP £1550, available in either 32mm or 45mm gauge, a percentage of the retail profit from each sale will be donated to the Talyllyn Railway for the future overhaul of Dolgoch, a higher percentage if the model is bought direct from Accucraft UK Ltd.  We would like to acknowledge the help we have received from Talyllyn Railway members in preparing the drawings for this model.  You can see full details of the model here.

UK inventory remaining in California

A review of the inventory of UK outline stock remaining in Union City has thrown up some pleasant surprises.  In consequence we are able to offer a limited number of the following locomotives.

S19-19E L&B No. 760 EXE 2-6-2T, LINED SOUTHERN GREEN  – £1950.00
S19-19T L&B No. 761 TAW 2-6-2T – LINED SOUTHERN GREEN – £1950.00
S19-19Y L&B No. 759 YEO 2-6-2T – LINED SOUTHERN GREEN – £1950.00

S19-29A WD HUNSLET 4-6-0T (GAUGE 1) – BLACK – £1950.00
S19-29B WD HUNSLET 4-6-0T (0 GAUGE) – BLACK – £1950.00

S20-1G IoM MANNIN 2-4-0T LINED HOLLY GREEN – £1750.00
S20-1R IoM MANNIN 2-4-0T LINED INDIAN RED – £1750.00



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Accucraft December News

May we wish everyone a Happy Christmas and pleasant New Year.  This month we bring you news of our new 1:19 scale locomotive, Dolgoch, for 2019, the arrival of Mona, our contribution to the War Office Locomotive Trust and raising funds for Peter at Amberley.  We are also listing some end of season bargains to be had, just before Christmas!

New for 2019 – Dolgoch in 1:19 Scale

In 2013 we were approached to produce all the Talyllyn Railway locomotives as a commission and although this never came to fruition we had worked up the concepts and designs with a view to producing them of our own accord.  Due to developments within the trade we have decided that, rather than waste all this effort, we would bring the first of these, Dolgoch, to the market in 2019.

Dolgoch was built by Fletcher, Jennings & Co. in 1866 and is one of the oldest locomotives still in active service.  The locomotive was renamed Pretoria between about 1900 and 1914 in celebration of the relief of that township in South Africa by Lord Roberts during the Boer War. In early 1945, Dolgoch was sent to the Atlas Foundry in Shrewsbury to be overhauled. At this time, the railway’s only other locomotive Talyllyn was so worn out it could not be safely operated and services on the railway were suspended. Dolgoch returned to service in September 1945. Dolgoch was the only operable locomotive from 1945 until 1952, when Edward Thomas was restored for use.  Between 1954 and 1963, the locomotive underwent a major overhaul.  Dolgoch returned to service in late 1999 after a further overhaul involving firebox repairs and an extensive mechanical overhaul, including the fitting of air braking equipment, the last Talyllyn steam loco to be so equipped.  After receiving a new boiler in 2011, it ran in Crimson Lake livery until 2015 when along with its sister locomotive Talyllyn it was repainted in ‘Indian Red’ livery.

A percentage of the retail profit from each sale will be donated to the Talyllyn Railway for the future overhaul of Dolgoch, a higher percentage if the model is bought direct from Accucraft UK Ltd.  We would like to acknowledge the help we have received from Talyllyn Railway members in preparing the drawings for this model.  Photo courtesy of Geoff Loynes.

The model is built to a scale of 16mm:1′ (1:19 scale) and follows our standard design brief being internally gas-fired with a centre flue boiler. The model will not be gauge adjustable but will be available in either 32mm (‘O’ gauge) or 45mm (‘1′ gauge) and will not have insulated wheels. The axles run in bronze bearings and all the rods and valve gear (simplified Stephenson) will be manufactured from stainless steel.  The cab roof flips up and over sideways to give access to the gas and water, the lubricator filler will be in one of the bunkers. The copper boiler is fitted with a gauge glass (with blow down) and the displacement lubricator has an under-floor drain valve.  The model is built from stainless steel and brass. The model will be available in TR green, ‘Atlas Foundry’ green or red.  UK RRP £1550.00, due for delivery Q2/Q3 2019

You can find full details of the model here.

Last call for the Isle of Man!

Mona is due for delivery shortly.  We have now produced a fair cross-section of Isle of Man 2-4-0Ts and Mona is likely to be the last one we make.  All the Indian Red ones are pre-sold (both live steam and electric) and there aren’t many Ailsa Green ones unspoken for so don’t miss out!  This really is the last call for the Isle of Man 2-4-0T!

£3000 donated to the War Office Locomotive Trust

Our ‘museum quality’ 1:19 scale locomotive for 2018 was the WD Hunslet 4-6-0T and we are pleased to say the model proved enormously popular.  Having worked with the Trust to produce such an accurate model it was only appropriate that we gave a little something back and at the Warley exhibition in November (where No. 1215/303 was on show), Graham Langer, Managing Director of Accucraft UK Ltd., was delighted to hand over a cheque for £3000 to Ian Hughes, the prime mover behind the locomotive’s repatriation from Australia.

Speaking beside the prototype, Graham Langer said, “Accucraft has a long tradition of working with the preservation movement, having previously supported all three ‘Tracks to the Trenches’ WW1 events, the construction of ‘new builds’ Lyd, Lyn and Tornado and a host of smaller projects; we were happy to be able to contribute to the restoration of No. 303 and are grateful to all those who bought the scale model and thus supported our efforts.”

Ian Hughes responded, saying, “With the final bills from the rebuild only recently cleared, this donation is very well timed and much appreciated, it makes a great start on building up funds in case of any maintenance issues and also to create a reserve for 10 years’ time when the next boiler overhaul becomes due. For this we thank not only Graham and Accucraft but all those who have supported us by purchasing one of these incredibly detailed models that really capture the feel of the original.”

Raising funds for Peter

“A Bagnall for a Bagnall” – We have donated a rather unique variant of our 7/8ths” Scale Bagnall saddle tank to Amberley Museum in West Sussex.  The museum is raising funds to restore Peter, a cabless version of our model so we thought we’d see what ours looked like in the same condition.

Peter was originally commissioned by the war office for forestry operations in Cumbria, then after several owners was purchased by the Cliffe Hill Quarry, Leicestershire in 1922, where it is believed that Peter was named after the owner’s son.  In 1954 Peter was acquired by the Narrow Gauge Railway Society and eventually joined the Brockham collection in 1965. Peter was moved to Amberley in 1982 and after a lengthy restoration project led by Doug Bentley and members of the Amberley rail group, Peter became operational at the museum in 1994.

To this day Peter has been a hugely popular attraction for young and old alike, pulling the Santa Express at Christmas, giving mums and dads a once in a lifetime opportunity to drive a steam engine on Mothering Sunday and Father’s Day; as well as running at many of our major events.

The time has now come when Peter is in need of boiler repairs and a full service, with costs expected to reach up to £40,000. The museum has started a Peter restoration fundraising campaign, and has already received donations from Cliffe Hill Quarry and the Narrow Gauge Society.  If you’d like to bid for this unique Accucraft locomotive (which will be supplied with the original cab and chimney should the new owner wish to re-fit them), just download the sealed bid auction form here and return it to Amberley Museum.

Sale items still available

We still have some bargains left if you missed out this summer so email us or ring us if you would like any of the following items:

S19-26G W & L No. 14 2-6-2T – GREEN – £1450.00
S19-1 WD BALDWIN 4-6-0T – BLACK (45MM GAUGE) – £1200.00
S78-3B BAGNALL 0-4-0ST – BLACK (7/8ths” SCALE) – £1100.00
S78-3G BAGNALL 0-4-0ST – GREEN (7/8ths” SCALE) – £1100.00
S78-3R BAGNALL 0-4-0ST – RED (7/8ths” SCALE) – £1100.00
R19-21 L & B COMPOSITE COACH – £125.00 (these coaches have water-damaged boxes)

‘Open box’ US items

B77-531 Decauville Type 1, 3-ton 0-4-0T Red – 1:13.7 (last one) – £1595.00
AM54-016 Jackson & Sharp coaches, D&RGW Yellow Single Strip – £225.00 each
AM31-391 Wheel & Tie Car Red Unlettered – £120.00
AM2201-09 Box Car – D&RGW Flying Rio Grande Logo #3337 – £120.00

We also have a number of repaired Mk1 coaches (they had loose interiors) available for £225.00, mainly SOs and FKs – please enquire about availability.

* The four RCH wagons will be your choice of four different types of ‘Big Four’ or BR liveries – £300.00 worth of wagons free if you buy a ‘Victory’!

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Accucraft November News

Welcome to our November news update.  The heading image is a small tribute to the men of the Light Railways Operating Division who lost their lives in World War 1.  As we approach the centenary of the end of this bloody conflict it is worth remembering the sacrifices made by so many to bring it to an end.  We are lucky to have preserved examples of both WD Baldwins and Alcos in the UK and Europe and the recent recommissioning of No. 1215 has filled a further gap, adding a WD Hunslet 4-6-0T to the roll call.  We have just a couple of 32mm gauge examples left to purchase, and remember, every sale contributes to the restoration cost of No. 1215!

Last call for U.S. stock for Christmas!

If you fancy something American in your stocking this year we are planning one last shipment from California before the festive season – don’t miss out!  You can check availability through the eStore.

Sale items still available

We still have some bargains left if you missed out this summer so email us or ring us if you would like any of the following ‘open box’ items:

S19-26O W & L No. 14 2-6-2T – GOLDEN OCHRE – £1450.00
S19-26G W & L No. 14 2-6-2T – GREEN – £1450.00
S19-1 WD BALDWIN 4-6-0T – BLACK (45MM GAUGE) – £1200.00
S78-3B BAGNALL 0-4-0ST – BLACK (7/8ths” SCALE) – £1100.00
S78-3G BAGNALL 0-4-0ST – GREEN (7/8ths” SCALE) – £1100.00
S78-3R BAGNALL 0-4-0ST – RED (7/8ths” SCALE) – £1100.00
S32-14A KERR STUART ‘VICTORY’ 0-6-0T – GWR GREEN – £1075.00
S32-14C KERR STUART ‘VICTORY’ 0-6-0T – BLACK – £1075.00
R19-21 L & B COMPOSITE COACH – £125.00 (these coaches have water-damaged boxes)

‘Open box’ US items

B77-531 Decauville Type 1, 3-ton 0-4-0T Red – 1:13.7 (last one) – £1595.00
AM54-016 Jackson & Sharp coaches, D&RGW Yellow Single Strip – £225.00 each
AM31-391 Wheel & Tie Car Red Unlettered – £120.00
AM2201-09 Box Car – D&RGW Flying Rio Grande Logo #3337 – £120.00

We also have a number of repaired Mk1 coaches (they had loose interiors) available for £225.00, mainly SOs and FKs – please enquire about availability.

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Accucraft October News

Welcome to our October newsletter.  This month we bring you further news of our new generic locomotives and a ‘last call’ for the 7/8ths” scale Forney which is now in production.

G1MRA AGM and show

This year the Gauge 1 Model Railway Association will be holding its AGM and show at Woking on Saturday 20th October.  We will be present with our stand and look forward to seeing you there.  The show is open to non-G1MRA members so why not come along, say “hello” and find out what Gauge 1 has to offer?

You can find full details of the show here.

‘Talgarth’ & ‘Sabrina’ – ‘Ragleth’ reborn!

Last month we brought you news of our new generic 1:19 scale locomotives and illustrated the piece with an image of ‘Talgarth’.  This month we are delighted to share an illustration of ‘Sabrina’, the saddle tank.

Both are freelance locomotives with design inspirations from Manning Wardle aimed at providing a robust, entry level model which is easy to maintain and operate. Although the design is still outside-framed it now has the sophistication of simplified Walschaerts valve gear and slide valve cylinders for a smoother performance and enhanced delivery of power. As before, we will also be offering the power unit (complete with boiler) as an ideal starting point for those who might wish to scratch-build their own body in 1:19 or even 1:13.7 scale.  The target UK RRP is £950.00 with delivery anticipated in the first half of 2019.  You can find the full specification here.

Last call for the 7/8ths” scale ‘Forney’!

The Portland Company constructed 0-4-4 Forney #5 in 1891 for the Sandy River Railroad. The locomotive was named “N.B. Neal” and operated this way until 1908 when the Sandy River, Franklin & Megantic, Philips & Rangeley, along with their respective subsidiary railroads merged to form the Sandy River & Rangeley Lakes. At this time the loco was renumbered to SR&RL #6. In 1925 the loco was sold to the Kennebec Central, becoming their #4. She was again sold in 1933 to the Wiscasset, Waterville & Farmington as their #9. After the WW&F railroad was abandoned in 1936-‘37, it was purchased and stored near Putnam, Connecticut.

In December 1994, an agreement was reached with the estate for WW&F #9 and its return to Maine for eventual restoration. Over the course of several years the loco was restored and is now featured in regular excursion over a restored section of the railroad.

Scale / Gauge: 7/8ths / 45 mm
Construction: Brass & Stainless Steel
Mini. Radius: 8ft.
Length: 22.1 in. (562 mm)
Width: 6.1 in. (155 mm)
Height: 8.7 in. (221 mm)
Features: Butane fired, Copper boiler, Ceramic burner, 60 psi working pressure, Two cylinders
Full working Stephenson valve gear, Safety valve, Forward/Reverse Johnson bar, Hand pump
Lubricator, Water sight glass, Pressure gauge

Available exclusively from our Herefordshire office, the model carries a UK RRP of £3,200.00 including VAT, UK delivery and full UK warranty.  The model is now in production so this is your last chance to order one!

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Accucraft September News

Welcome to our September newsletter.  At last we are able to break the news of next year’s 7/8ths” Scale model – a Kerr Stuart ‘Wren’!  In other news we also unveil the reincarnation of ‘Ragleth’ and an upgraded and more sophisticated tank and saddle tank engine.

Kerr Stuart ‘Wren’ Live Steam 0-4-0ST in 7/8ths” Scale

Accucraft Trains is pleased to announce this locomotive in 7/8ths” to the foot (1:13.7) scale live steam. Our thanks and appreciation to both Graham Langer and Ian Pearse for their assistance in the development of this model. In the UK the model has been produced in association with Kent Garden Railways and will only available from them or direct from Accucraft (UK).

Kerr Stuart produced 163 ‘Wren’ type locomotives before they ceased trading in 1930 and a further four were constructed thereafter by Hunslets. The ‘Wrens’ owe their origin to the ‘Buya’ class of 1903 although the type encompassed a huge number of variations including inside and outside frames and inside and outside valve gear. Our model is based on the 2’ gauge ‘new type’ developed in 1915 with inside frames, Hackworth valve gear and cast-iron wheels fitted with steel tyres. A few ‘early’ type ‘Wrens’ survive around the world and half a dozen ‘late types’ have been preserved, five of them in the UK.

The model is internally gas fired and has slide valve cylinders with working Hackworth valve gear. The boiler is fitted with a water gauge with blow down valve, lubricator and pressure gauge. It will be available in 45mm gauge (gauge 1) only. The model will be available black, blue, green and red with a UK RRP of £1650.00.  You can find the full specification here.

‘Talgarth’ & ‘Sabrina’ – ‘Ragleth’ reborn!

We are delighted to announce not one, but two, new generic 0-4-0 locomotives for 16mm (1:19) scale. After many years in production we felt was time to completely revise the ‘Ragleth’ design, hundreds of which have appeared in the guise of ‘Edrig’, ‘Caradoc’, ‘Mortimer’, ‘Ragleth’ and, most recently, ‘Jedrig’.

In consequence we can now offer you ‘Talgarth’ the tank engine and ‘Sabrina’ the saddle tank (you’ll note that we are still drawing names from Wales and the Welsh Marches!). Both are freelance locomotives with design inspirations from Manning Wardle aimed at providing a robust, entry level model which is easy to maintain and operate. Although the design is still outside-framed it now has the sophistication of simplified Walschaerts valve gear and slide valve cylinders for a smoother performance and enhanced delivery of power. As before, we will also be offering the power unit (complete with boiler) as an ideal starting point for those who might wish to scratch-build their own body in 1:19 or even 1:13.7 scale.  The target UK RRP is £950.00 with delivery anticipated in the first half of 2019.  You can find the full specification here.



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Accucraft August News

Welcome to our August newsletter.  The production prototype of the WD Hunslet broke cover at this year’s very successful ‘Tracks to the Trenches’ event in July.

Double debut at ‘Tracks to the Trenches’!

We managed to effect a ‘double debut’ at this year’s hugely successful ‘Tracks to the Trenches’ event at Apedale last month.  Alongside the War Department Locomotive Trust’s WD Hunslet No. 303 making its first public passenger carrying runs, we unveiled our own, 1:19 scale model of the class and were able to display the two together.  We are grateful to the WDLT for their assistance in creating the 16mm scale version and a percentage of the retail profit from the sale of these will be donated to the Trust.  The image shows Ian Hughes of the WDLT, Graham Langer (Accucraft UK) and No. 303 – both large and small!  A percentage of the retail profit from each UK sale will be donated to this locomotive, a greater percentage if ordered directly from us, Accucraft (UK) Ltd.  You can find full details of the model here but don’t delay ordering one, there are only a handful left available.

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Accucraft July News

Welcome to our July newsletter.  This month we bring you news of Ian and Sandy Pearse’s retirement from the business and plans for the company’s future as well as an update on the arrival of the Mk1 coaches and a final plug for ‘Tracks to the Trenches’.  We also list unsold sale items that were offered at our open day.

Ian & Sandy Pearse

After spending many of his formative years involved in the narrow gauge preservation scene, Ian Pearse has enjoyed nearly 40 years experience in garden railways, initially with Merlin Models and then Pearse Locomotives, the company founded in 1992 by Ian and his wife, Sandy. The couple sold the business to Mike Teece in 1997 when Ian acquired the trade agency for his area for Bachmann Europe but exposure to an Accucraft ‘Ruby’ led to the distribution of Accucraft products in the UK.  To facilitate this, Ian and Sandy started a new business in 2000, Marches Models, best known for supplying British narrow gauge live steam locomotives for gauges ‘O’ and ’1′.  Accucraft UK Ltd was formed in 2004 and quickly developed a strong relationship with Accucraft Trains in the USA.  Accucraft UK Ltd expanded to offer electrically-powered models and ready-to-run plastic rolling stock in 1:32, 1:20.3, 1:19 and 1:13.7 scales, significantly growing the range of large scale model railway goods available to the UK and worldwide market.

In 2015 the firm acquired the intellectual property, designs and tooling of the Gauge 1 Model Co. expanding the existing range of superb Gauge 1 rolling stock and adding to the fleet of locomotive designs.  The company is also the sole UK importer for the complete range of products manufactured by Accucraft Trains of the USA as well as the models made for Accucraft Australia (Argyle Models) and Accucraft Germany (MBV Schug).

In 2013 Graham Langer joined the company (having worked part-time for Ian for some years) allowing Ian and Sandy to take more of a back seat role, a process that continued when the business was moved to Herefordshire three years ago so that Graham could run the office full-time.  Now in their 65th year, both Ian and Sandy have decided to retire from the front-line business although both will remain directors of the company with Ian keeping a watching brief over design.  Graham Langer has been appointed managing director of Accucraft UK Ltd. as of 1st July.

Graham has been involved in small scale live steam most of his life (his father was a model engineer), joining the 16mm Association in 1977 when he acquired his first Archangel locomotive.  He has also been associated with the preservation movement, initially at the fledgling K&ESR from 1971 and then with the de Glehn compound, Nord 3.628, when she was based at Peterborough.  Drawn to mainline steam, Graham has been involved with The A1 Steam Locomotive Trust for nearly 20 years; part of the administration team for over 10 years, he is now a director and trustee of that organisation.


Ian Pearse, Graham Langer, Sandy Pearse and Milo

Accucraft (UK) Ltd.

Ian and Sandy’s decision to retire coincides with a general re-structuring of the UK business.  With the acquisition of Aster’s production the factory has never been busier and in consequence, following the delivery of Trackshack’s IoM railcar, the company will no longer be undertaking any outside commission work, concentrating instead on expanding its own offerings and improving the range.  With the reduction in the number of garden railway retailers in the area we also took the decision to open the Pontrilas unit as a shop and now have a display area and test track available for anyone passing by (although a ‘phone call or email beforehand is wise).

Mk1 coaches

We are disappointed to say that the long-anticipated arrival of the next batch of Mk1 coaches has been delayed by a problem at Felixstowe.  Due to have reached us on 26th June, the vessel with the consignment has had to stand off in the North Sea while the terminal deals with a computer problem and the resultant chaos and backlog.  The latest ETA is 6th July which means we should have them with dealers w/c 9th July.  We apologise for this delay which was way beyond our control!

Full size and 1:19 scale debutants at Tracks to the Trenches!

It is our ambition to unveil our 1:19 scale model at Apedale at ‘Tracks to the Trenches’, allowing a direct comparison with the full size locomotive which will be making its first public appearance in steam.  Unfortunately the War Office Loco Trust’s Hunslet 4-6-0T was, very sadly, unable to participate in the Hunslet 125 weekend at the Ffestiniog Railway. As is often the case when dealing with vintage machinery, there just weren’t hours in the day to complete the loco.

However, the team restoring the locomotive is confident that the locomotive will be available to play an active role at ‘Tracks to the Trenches’ at Apedale, on July 13th – 15th. Barring major mechanical setbacks, the weekend will see the public debut of this iconic loco, and a chance for visitors to see four of the key British military locomotives of the First World War all in operation together for the first time (probably) since the 1920’s with authentic First World War rolling stock– the Hunslet 4-6-0T LR 303, the Greensand Museum Trust’s (10-12-D) Baldwin 4-6-0T  LR 778 from Leighton Buzzard, Kerr Stuart ‘Joffre’ 0-6-0T 3014 and the Apedale resident Hudswell Clarke 0-6-0WT loco LR 104. This is a spectacle that is unlikely to be repeated anywhere for many years!  You can find full details of the event here.

The photo shows the Hunslet nearing completion thanks to Joey Evans and War Office Loco Trust

Sale items still available

We had a great open day on 16th June and hope that all those who attended enjoyed themselves as well.  We still have some bargains left if you missed out so email us or ring us if you would like any of the following ‘open box’ items:

S19-19T L&B 2-6-2T ‘TAW’ SOUTHERN GREEN – £1450.00
S19-27BU W & L No. 14 2-6-2T – BLUE (RC FITTED) – £1700.00
S19-26R W & L No. 14 2-6-2T – RED (LAST ONE) – £1500.00
S19-26O W & L No. 14 2-6-2T – GOLDEN OCHRE – £1450.00
S19-1 WD BALDWIN 4-6-0T – BLACK (45MM GAUGE) – £1200.00
S78-3B BAGNALL 0-4-0ST – BLACK (7/8ths” SCALE) – £1100.00
S78-3G BAGNALL 0-4-0ST – GREEN (7/8ths” SCALE) – £1100.00
S78-3R BAGNALL 0-4-0ST – RED (7/8ths” SCALE) – £1100.00
S32-14A KERR STUART ‘VICTORY’ 0-6-0T – GWR GREEN – £1075.00
S32-14C KERR STUART ‘VICTORY’ 0-6-0T – BLACK – £1075.00
R19-21 L & B COMPOSITE COACH – £125.00 (these coaches have water-damaged boxes)

‘Open box’ US items

B77-533 Decauville Type 1, 3-ton 0-4-0T Black – 1:13.7 (last one) – £1695.00
AL97-431 E-6 Pennsylvania 4-4-2 #1794, Green Lined, Alcohol Fired – £2750.00
AM54-016 Jackson & Sharp coaches, D&RGW Yellow Single Strip – £225.00 each
AM31-391 Wheel & Tie Car Red Unlettered – £120.00
AM2201-09 Box Car – D&RGW Flying Rio Grande Logo #3337 – £120.00

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Accucraft June News

Welcome to our June newsletter.  This is a final call for our forthcoming open day and sale and a reminder of our move to retailing at Pontrilas.  The delivery of the L&B Manning Wardles will be concluded this month and our stock is now all pre-sold to our dealers.  We are also issuing a ‘last call’ for the Australian C-36 4-6-2 and the Saxon Meyer 0-4-4-0T, both of which are now in production.

Accucraft Open Day & Clearance Sale – Pontrilas 16th June

Last call for the open day!  The format will be similar to last year to be held once again at Unit 4, Long Meadow Industrial Estate. We will have factory seconds, damaged items and test samples to sell. as well as many ‘end of line’ items. This stock will be offered for sale on a ‘first come, first served’ basis without prior reservation and will include ‘open box’ locomotives, rolling stock and track components as well as sundry ‘kits of parts’ with potential for re-assembly!  As they say, “everything must go!”

We can now confirm that we will be supported by Swift Sixteen, Model Earth Design & Talisman Brass Castings and Blackcat Bridges among others.  We will be running Accucraft locomotives in 1:13.7, 1:19, 1:20.3 and 1:32 scales.  Opening times are 10:30hrs to 16:00hrs and there will be an on site café offering refreshments and light lunches.

Accucraft retail open for business!

Following the closure of Garden Railway Centres in Cheltenham, we have been made aware that many of you are struggling to find Accucraft products in the West Midlands and Welsh Marches.  In consequence we are delighted to say that we will be opening our unit in Pontrilas for retail sales.  Although our premises may not be ideal our location in the Welsh Marches is most picturesque and worth a drive out.  Please note that we keep office hours, 09:00 to 17:00 Monday to Friday and we are not open at the weekend (we will publish details of office closures on this website).  It is also worth ‘phoning/emailing us to check whether we have a specific item in stock before you visit us – 01981 241380 or

Last call for the Accucraft (Aus) NSWGR C38

Production is underway of this one-time series – once they are sold, they are sold! The 38 class design was based on a need to eliminate the complications of double heading required on a number of fast interstate passenger trains. The conditions of track work with frequent sharp curvature to be traversed at high speed would require six-coupled driving wheels in a ‘Pacific’ 4-6-2 configuration. Maintenance considerations suggested a two cylinder simple steam locomotive. In May 1939 an order for five 38 class locomotives was placed with Clyde Engineering with a distinctive streamlined boiler casing. The remaining 25 locomotives were built without streamlining at the NSWGR Eveleigh and Cardiff Workshops. From 1961 the locomotives were progressively withdrawn from service. Four have survived into preservation being 3801, 3813, 3820 and 3830.

The model will be available in both Streamlined and Un-streamlined versions and in a variety of liveries and power options. Pilot Model 2016 – you can download the order form here.  Place your reservations with our Hereford office now – prices may be subject to currency revision. With prices ranging from a UK RRP of £3,550.00 (electric) to £3,795.00 (Live Steam) we think they represent outstanding value for money.

Product Specifications – Live Steam Version:

  • Scale: 1:32
  • Gauge: 45mm
  • Valve Gear: Walschaerts, two cylinders, slide valves, cylinder drain cocks
  • Working Pressure: 60psi
  • Construction: Copper boiler, Brass boiler jacket, Brass cab, Brass tender,
  • Boiler Fittings: Safety valve, pressure gauge, water gauge
  • Axle water pump with bypass valve, Water hand pump with check valve
  • Length over buffers: 756mm (29.8 inches)
  • Width: 91mm (3.6 inches)
  • Height: 133mm (5.2 inches)
  • Min Radius: Electric 2m (6½ feet) Live Steam 3m (9 feet)
  • Steel drivers
  • Chassis is sprung on all wheels, with sprung side control on the leading bogie
  • Main driving axle boxes have oil reservoirs with felt oil pads
  • Trailing Truck has oil /felt reservoirs
  • Main Coupling rod and Connecting rod have a rotating bronze sleeve bearing common to both rods
  • Spirit fired boilers have Automatic Blower which opens when the Regulator is shut.

Liveries Available:

  • 3801 Streamlined, Verdant Green
  • 3803 Streamlined, Black / Red lining
  • 3813 Un-Streamlined, NSWGR Special Green
  • 3820 Un-Streamlined, Black / Red lining
  • 3830 Un-Streamlined, NSWGR Special Green (all green)
  • 3830 Un-Streamlined, Olive Green 1961 livery

Models & Options Available:

  • SG Live Steam, Gas Fired, Ceramic Burner
  • SA Live Steam, Alcohol Fired with multi tube boiler
  • EL Electric with full Cab Detail
  • RC Radio Control Fittings Kit for live steam models


Last call for the 1:20.3 Scale Saxonian IV K 0-4-4-0T

These delightful Saxon Meyers are now in production and due for delivery in the next few weeks.  As a result of rising traffic levels in the late nineteenth century, the 750mm (2’ 6”) gauge Royal Saxon State Railways found their existing fleet of locomotives were struggling to cope.  In 1892 the network took delivery of the first of 96 Gunther-Meyer 0-4-4-0T compounds, destined to be the largest single class of narrow gauge locomotive in Germany.  They were so successful that they became the sole motive power on some lines, ably handling freight as well as passenger trains.

At the end of WW1 two were left in Hungary and three were given up in war reparations to Poland.  In 1925 the remaining engines were absorbed into the Deutsche Reichsbahn-Gesellschaft and allocated numbers in the ‘99’ series.  By the end of WW2 57 were still working and 20 of these survived long enough to go through the ‘reko’ programme to be fitted with welded boilers and, in some cases, welded frames.  By 1973 the older, unrebuilt locos had been withdrawn (three being preserved) while the ‘reko’ engines soldiered on for the Deutsche Reichsbahn in East Germany.  Remarkably nearly a quarter of the class, 22 examples, have been preserved, a living testament to the sound design of the originals.

The 1:20.3 Saxon IV K has been made for MBV SCHUG.  The total batch is only 60 units, 20 pieces in Saxon State Railways’ green and 40 in Reichsbahn black. The model comes fitted with the 6-channel spectrum DXe radio control for regulator reverser. The system is programmable via Smartphone and Tablet app.  The UK RRP is £4595.00

AL87-014R Saxon IV K 3Specifications:

Scale / gauge: 1: 20.3 / 45 mm
Length: 454 mm
Width: 104.1 mm (edge of the roof)
Height: 156.1 mm (chimney)
Minimum radius: 124.3 cm (LGB R3)
Weight: 5.89 kg
Cylinder lubrication: displacement lubricator in the cab
Control: factory fitted 2.4 GHz sector Intrum DXe RC system and HITEC HS-85 MG servos fitted
Boiler: Centre Flue, butane fired
Working Pressure: 60psi
Reversing Gear: Slide valves, Walschaerts valve gear
Boiler Fittings: Safety valve, pressure gauge, water gauge.
Cab Controls: Steam regulator, gas regulator, reverse lever, lubricator in cab

Versions available:

AL87-014 G RC Saxon IV K – live steam with factory fitted radio control
AL87-014R-RC Reichsbahn IV K No. 99 589 – live steam with factory fitted radio control

Yeo, Exe & Taw – last delivery in June

We will be delivering the last batch of Lynton & Barnstaple Manning Wardles to dealers during June.  We have now pre-sold all our stock to our dealers so make sure you don’t miss out!

1:32 C&O 3-Bay Open Hoppers nearly sold out!

These superb, long-awaited hopper wagons are now available, ideal companions to your Allegheny!  Available in both Chesapeake & Ohio or Virginian livery (plain black or red oxide to follow), the wagons can be bought singly or in packs of six.  UK RRP for individual cars £120.00 or a six pack at £660.00 including UK delivery and warranty.  However, the C&O version is almost entirely sold out and what remains are single cars so please call our Hereford office to check what’s still available to order.

AM32-600 C&O Hopper, No End Scatter Shields, Data Only, 6-car set – SOLD OUT

AM32-601 C&O Hopper, w/ End Scatter Shields, A) 105000 B) 105017 C) 105032 D) 105041 E) 105077 F) 105089, 6-car set – SOLD OUT
AM32-602 C&O Hopper, w/ End Scatter Shields, A) 105106 B) 105194 C) 105229 D) 105235 E) 105369 F) 105386, 6-car set – SOLD OUT
AM32-603 C&O Hopper, w/ End Scatter Shields, A) 105419 B) 105441 C) 105504 D) 105549 E) 105668 F) 105694, 6-car set – SOLD OUT
AM32-604 C&O Hopper, w/ End Scatter Shields, A) 105736 B) 105755 C) 105822 D) 105840 E) 105956 F) 105973, 6-car set – SOLD OUT
AM32-605A C&O 3-Bay Hopper w/ End Scatter Shields, Unnumbered – PRE-ORDER
AM32-606A 3-Bay Hopper w/o End Scatter Shields, Plain Black – PRE-ORDER
AM32-607A 3-Bay Hopper w/o End Scatter Shields, Red Oxide, Unlettered – PRE-ORDER
AM32-630A Virginian 3-Bay Hopper w/o End Scatter Shields A) #7522 B) #7580 C) #7741 D) #7777 E) #7863 F) #7921 – PRE-ORDER

Tracks to the Trenches – Apedale Railway 13th – 15th July

The “Tracks to the Trenches” 2018 event marks the finalé of the Moseley Railway Trust’s First World War centenary commemorations – highlighting the tremendous expansion of the British light railways, which were used right up until the Armistice in 1918.

In 2014 and 2016 the Apedale Valley Light Railway hosted major First World War centenary events – marking 100 years since the start of the “War to end all Wars”. These highly acclaimed centenary events focused on the often overlooked areas of Transport and Logistics used by all combatants during the conflict. This was the narrow gauge light railways’ finest hour.  You can find full details here.  This will be the first chance many folk have to see a working WD Hunslet 4-6-0T both full size (No. 1215) and 16mm scale (Accucraft!).

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